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in the end, Tarzan gets Janeprice of one bento - one eyeprice of one mikan - a life

Oh Kakisu. Why can’t you just let us hate you all the way. And lulz ‘big gorilla’. Couples sure come up with interesting insults for each other.

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i know how you feel, Kanba - i was struck dumb by revelations too

The operative phrase here being ‘i want answers’. Indeed, ep 20 has offered a hell lot of them, along with more plot twists and other, er, interesting finds. Perfect gift for Christmas, this loot.

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MIA #1 MIA #2this familiar, girls?

Meh. Xam’d’s greatest strength has become its greatest weakness: the ‘what the hell is going on’ syndrome (WTHIGO). You can’t go ‘i dunno what’s happening, but FTW I DON’T CARE WOOHOO’ forever. Still, i think there’s a good chance of salvation, given the sheer amount of thought that’s clearly been put into this series. Although i’ve had issues with the frustratingly static motion in the past few episodes, Ep 19 serves to eradicate some of the irritation by speeding up some things. (At least Ishu and Raigyo have gotten a move on. Love his new outfit.) Not to mention the Ahm excuse-making, that was plain hilarious.

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Sorry for not updating for awhile again, chaos currently reigns at home (and for the next week!) because of major renovations and repairing leakages. I just spent the whole day with my mother searching for new hall and dining room lights, and my subsequent headache is being aggravated by having to stare at the laptop screen surrounded in total darkness. Looks like Xam’d is accelerating course again. Kakisu evilness, brainwashing, Haru awesomeness, multi-usage, one-eyed black tadpoles and more fill up the highlights of the past few weeks. Since i’ve noticed that alot of searches are about the ‘Regarding Enemies’ lecture that seems to have reappeared, i’ll use it as a context for the others. Also, i’d like to get rid of it asap, i’m sick of having to rewind the damn thing and hearing ‘Lazy. Lazy. Lazy. Lazy’ over and over and over AGAIN.
coming from him, that's a surpriseas if her waking up isn't creepy enough, she's now a mouthpiecebetcha didn't see that coming, Kakisu

LADIES AND GENTS OF THE OTAKUSPHERE, YOURS TRULY IS BACK. And did i forget to mention that i am typing this at 4.52am, GMT+8, AND AM NOW OFFICIALLY 18 YEARS OF AGE?!?!?! Let’s get the party started!

Ok, i’ve missed out on a shitload of stuff thanks to my 26 days’ worth of absence, but i’ve managed to catch up on everything except Tales of the Abyss, which i think i’ll abandon due to lack of interest. Skip Beat, Michiko to Hatchin, Nodame Cantabile Paris or any combination of the 3 are likely to replace it. Wanted to stuff in Gundam 00 as well, but i’m starved for time as usual because i have other antisocial activities that fill up my daily schedule. I’m sorry in advance for the lamer screencap tags, my wit needs some warming up with a few more reviews.

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Har har har. I must say that BONES likes messing with people’s brains. Thanks to this ep i have a renewed appetite for Furuichi-b/tard bashing, plus another ten helpings or so. Normally i don’t believe the ‘once a loser, always a loser’ doctrine, but for b/tard’s case i’ll believe it any day. But i was highly amused by Akushiba’s belting out power rock-songs at the preview for next week. Unfortunately i’ve been seeing on various blogs that Xam’d in the US won’t be rolling out any new grub after this until Japan reaches ep 12-13 as well. Le sigh.

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When i finally get darned Photoshop up and running at home, i will post screencaps with abandon. For now, readers (if any) will have to suffer text, text and more text with stupid interjections scattered in places. Ep 12 was a good solid one, though not as cohesive as 11. I am very pleased that Ishu’s character is much, much more complex than her outward snappy sergeant demeanour, and it’s very likely we’ll see more of her in the weeks to come. Furuichi, however b/tarded he is, has to get some credit as well for being a redeemable loser with an inferiority complex, and as much as i hate him right now, i hope he’ll reconcile with Akayuki eventually. And, of course, accept that he can’t beat a haxxor Xam’d in contending for the hand of Haru =/

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